
Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Wonky Heart Quilt

I recently finished a baby quilt for my new niece Nora. I had found some large gingham check fabric at a Walmart that still sold fabric one day. I had thought I would make Lucy a dress in it but never got around to it. I decided to instead, do another quilt.

My attempt was to piece a large heart, and then long arm quilt it with a wandering heart pattern. It didn't quite work out as well as I wanted, I had to improvise a lot more than I was expecting, and the heart got mishapen and the edges never matched up.

There fore it became the "Wonky Heart".

Wonky Heart Quilt

Here's how I started.

Ugh, curves. Why did I cut them in curves!?

Re-working the set up
None of the slices matched up because C*RVES, are always a bad idea when you are pressed for time and sloppy. So to disguise the lack of matching (see left side) I reworked some slices to fit and then added sashing between all the slices.

The Greek Flag re-imagined by Strawberry Shortcake.
I then spray basted the layers together (huge sticky mess on my nasty vinyl floors) and rented some time on the Sweet 16 long arm quilter at The Quilt Haus in New Braunfels. I wasn't terribly satisfied with the final quilt top, but I had come up with a neat wandering heart stitch I wanted to try out. I'm in a heart phase I think.

I like the pattern!!!!!

Gee, I love large scale gingham.

Finished with my sweetheart trying it out.  

My son using it as a cape

I even tried mitred corners on the binding, which went horribly awry.

Now, onto  finally quilting the big brother quilt which is way overdue. (I finished the quilt top in October of last year)
Until then....Ruth

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