
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Bow Bag

I had gotten a cute bag from Etsy a few years ago. (you can buy it here)

It was cute, but much too large for my needs. I had been thinking of making a purse with a bow for awhile and had collected a nice little cache of photos for inspiration.

So then I went ahead and did some sketches for my BOW BAG.

 Yes, they DO look quite sketchy. Because sketches are just that. Badly drawn ideas. Or at least mine are. If I wanted to do a nice technical drawing or illustration I would never had gotten around to making he actual bag.

I decided on a version of the one I checked off, and a version of the top right one. I changed fabrics, patterns and whether or not to add a bow at least twice.

But after what seemed like forever here's my finished purse. Due to my being a lazy bum, I didn't do a tutorial, or even take pictures for those of you who'd like to make your own. So sorry.

I have pockets on the outside and inside, because originally, the yellow polkadot was going to be just the lining on this fabric below. And the fabric of the bow.

But it just got too busy. So, I said, forget the chevrons, for now, and just use the polka dot. I'm glad that I did.

Now, onto the next project.


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