
Friday, July 31, 2015

The latest rainbow quilt.

Have I mentioned that I LOVE RAINBOWS!!

I think they are super great. I can never decide on which colors I like so rainbows are it. My favorite color is rainbow.

Rainbow brite was super cool wasn't she? Gosh, I wanted to be her.

So wonderfully cool.
So, lately my color theory when it comes to quilting is RAINBOW. I was feeling like using some more of my fabric from the last rainbow quilts.

Picasso had a blue phase, this is my rainbow phase.

So I started brainstorming.

First brainstorm

Second brainstorm with Goose modeling her
favorite Elsa nightgown.

Another idea but I didn't like it.

Starting to like it better. I had to buy more fabric (what?)
and scrounge and sew more colored pieces to expand the quilt
size. I went on a fabric scavenger hunt all over my studio/sewing room.
There were all these large pieces of fabric I could use hidden around!
I really need to organize.

It wasn't a perfect rainbow without orange and purple,
so I added some. At Joann's my children found
fabrics of their own. Skylander and Frozen respectively
that are now some shorts.

My son decided he loved this quilt. So I measured
the size on his bed. But those navy blue ones really flared
out at me and I decided to change them.

I was finally happy with the colors. After I
completely looked thru my entire stash for more
dark blues. And I had to buy some more fabric. ;)

No onto the sashing for the border. More rainbow

And here we have the finished quilt top. It's
folded twice to show the whole thing. It's actually
the size of a twin quilt.

Finished the backing. Which I love piecing.
Not only does it save on backing fabric (old sheet
and leftover fabric from another quilt) but it's fun!

The fabric avalanche in my stash. After going
through all my fabrics looking for a bit more
that matched the quilt. Oh well.
I needed to organize anyway. Or maybe I'll just
make another rainbow quilt.
Yep, another rainbow quilt.


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