
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Is it too late for Inktober?

Seeing as it's November I'm gonna say, yep, it's too late for Inktober.

It's a way for artists to push themselves to draw more.

But hey. I'm not very good at keeping up with trends. So I guess a month late is fine right?

I was working on trying to come up with cool ideas and drawings. It hasn't gone so well. 

My sketchbook for Inktober. 

I do not own nor work for Adam's extract.

I am not working for Adam's extract, I was just making chocolate chip cookies with vanilla extract (Adams's is what I have alway's used) and admired the bottle shape and style. When I ran out I put it up on my window sill to hold an ivy cutting. Well, I noticed the label hasn't changed much in 50 years. Not, that's not a bad thing. Brand identity is important, and the old style look is very popular right now. But I thought I'd give myself a project to keep up with my drawing skills (or procrastinate from mopping). I loved the glass bottle, the shape and even the label. But thought it could use some updating. So I came up with a silly idea. Reminder, this is just a personal project using stuff I have around my house. Adam's is a Texas based company. Their factory was on I-35 for many years and I would drive by. They've moved to Gonzalez since. 

Their bottle and logo presently.

You'd think with graph paper my lines would be straighter, oops.

Green ink is fun, I may just keeping using it.

So my work for Inktober, a month late. I even tried doing a nice rendering in Illustrator but so far it's a damned mess. Why is text so hard!!!!!!

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