
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Project round up

So, I'm almost 8 months along in this pregancy. So that means that the nesting "urge" is pretty damned strong.

I've been working on a lot of projects, which was a bit of an issue since my sewing machine had to be repaired. I just got it back on tuesday, and am working on stuff I wasn't able to for awhile.

Here's one of them.

Working on the Big Brother quilt
Just sewed the strips together today on my wonderfully working Bernina. Its like butter!! I'll muck it up soon enough, but oh, I could barely even hear it working. Even with all the oiling and cleaning I do, (probably not enough) it never sounds like that except when it's been serviced. Thanks go out to the Sew Little Time Bernina and Quilt Shop in New Braunfels.

Snow Tutu bodice
I'm in the process of updating/making new tutus' for Ballet New Braunfels "The Nutcracker".
 Let's hope I finish them before the time I have this baby. I will need volunteers to make this a reality. ........anyone willing?

My mother made this for the nursery. I LOVE IT, but I'm not sure if I like
where i've put it, so  I'll have to find a better
spot. It's got the bluebird of happiness on it :)

Shelves above the changing table, and a print from my
lullaby book, "Somewhere over the rainbow"

I thought since so much of what I was doing
reminded me of rainbows, then this was perfectly appropriate.

The picture quality is so bad, I don't have any ability as a photographer, and also, I just have a point and shoot. And not a lot of time or inclination to take beautifully staged and well let photos. SO, well, it all looks better in person I'm afraid.

Just take my word for it.


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