
Friday, February 24, 2012

Lullaby Book-Finished

Hi Guys,
I've been working on this Lullaby Book for quite some time. The better part of a year honestly. It started as a little project for my son so I could sing him the correct lyrics to lullaby's. Then it became much bigger, to me at least. I had thought of getting it professionally printed and bound through several online book printers, but alas, most of them only had templates you could use and didn't allow the size or dimension of my illustrations. After months of trying to get my artwork to fit into their templates I just gave up and printed them out myself, and pasted them in to a scrapbook.  Maybe when I get a bit more patience for all the enormous changes it would require to get it printed, I will. But in the meantime, it serves its original purpose. I now know all the words to the lullaby's I like to sing.

Here are some pictures.

The Lullaby Book cover

I had ten lullaby's in all but only pictured my favorites. I'm very pleased.


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