
Friday, November 11, 2011

Lullaby Book-Brahams Lullaby Update

I have been sitting on the Lullaby book project for awhile. I just wasn't happy with some of the illustrations. I finally got back into it again and re-did Braham's Lullaby.

Here's the new illustration.

Brahams Lullaby Illustration by Ruth Krueger

Here was the first one I finished.

I didn't like that one either so I did it again.

Even after adding owls I still wasn't happy. They look kind've cross eyed and strange. I like the third one better definitely.

Well, hope you like it. By the way, I made up these words. The only ones I could find were in German so I made these up on my own and decided to stick with them. There the ones  I sing to my son.


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