
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I wish

I wish they made this tricycle in my size. Training wheels and all. I did have a red tricycle made for adults before and it was harder to ride than a regular two wheel bike. If the back wheels were smaller as opposed to the exact same size I think I wouldn't have had so many issues.

This bike makes me think of fall, and of well, falling when learning how to ride a bike. I am just in love with shiny red, white and chrome. It's like a fifties diner in my brain.

I just put together a trend board for all the red, chrome, and fifties style stuff that inspires me.

All sorts of fun. I don't know if I could do a real red kitchen, but sometimes fantasies are nice. I know I did the bad thing and didn't leave links to where you can find all these goodies but I found them all thru a  google image search for retro and red and just specified rotary phone, or apron, or kitchen.


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