
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Lullaby Book-Rock-a-bye Baby

Here's the newest illustration for my Lullaby Book.

"Rock-a-bye Baby"

"Rock-a-bye baby" Illustration by Ruth Krueger

Here's the finished version of Rock-a-bye Baby. I'm not sure I love it yet. I feel like more needs to be done. But that's how I feel about most of my projects. Also, that little cradle just looks wrong. I need to tweak it some.

Original Sketch.
So now, I finally, after a week off, did the illustration. I hope you like it. I changed the words some, because one, I don't like the idea of an infant falling from a tree, and two because it's my illustration. I can't find who wrote the dang thing, mostly because I haven't looked enough yet. Maybe they'd be irritated, or not. But the words I showed are the words I sing to my son.


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