
Monday, May 16, 2011

New Quilt, Single girl in a batik dress

Here is my latest quilt that I've been working on.

It's based on the Denyse Schmidt quilt pattern "Single Girl". I'm calling mine 'Single girl in a batik dress."

I don't have a dedicated sewing room, or a design wall, so it goes on the floor in the living room. But, I'm proud of myself for doing curves. It's not something I ever 'choose' to do. 

In the mean time, I found this incredible resource. It's called Yale Digital. The Yale Library is digitizing art, prints and pictures in a searchable index. So, say, if you need a picture of something, take a look there. It might be a bit better quality than say google images. Or not. But I believe the only place they would be is in the database, I think* that the art they are digitizing belongs to Yale.

Here's a fun idea, just plug in a word and see what they have. They are still in the process of taking pictures and what not so not everything in the world is there. But, it's a nice search into what Yale has and it's nice that they are willing to share it.


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